Carried out preparatory programming missions to Rwanda, Myanmar, India, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago, Kenya, and Uganda. These missions informed the identification of the initial two priority countries for 2020 programmatic support.
Ensuring healthy lives and
promoting well-being at all ages
Promoting universal health coverage
for non-communicable diseases

Launched in 2018, The Defeat-NCD Partnership is a ‘public–private–people’ partnership that works with governments, multilateral agencies, civil society, academia, philanthropic foundations and the private sector towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC) for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by 2030.
Our core mission focuses on assisting approximately 90 low-resource countries and our efforts are aimed specifically at Sustainable Development Goal 3.4, to attain the reduction by one-third of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment.
The 60th Session of the UNITAR Board of Trustees endorsed the hosting arrangements and integration of The Defeat-NCD Partnership as a Division within UNITAR.
NCDs require a specific approach because they are lifelong conditions with profound personal, family, community, local, and national impacts. These are driven by the complex interplay of underlying environmental factors including climate change, lifestyle including nutrition and exercise, and genetic risk factors, as well as wider externalities such as political, economic, and social trends and choices.
Established the operating model of locating The Defeat-NCD Partnership country experts within Ministries of Health - and Myanmar and Rwanda were prioritised for 2020 programmatic support. Learning from experience in these two countries will inform the scaling of our work to an additional five to ten countries in 2020-2021, in line with the planned roll-out across 90 low-resource countries during the course of this decade.
Participated in several high-level stakeholder events and consultations in 2019, including 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, World Economic Forum, World Health Assembly in Geneva, Prince Mahidol Award Conference in Bangkok, WHO Global Meeting to Accelerate Progress on SDG target 3.4 on NCDs and Mental Health in Muscat.