Event days
Support coherence
and evidence-
based policies of
the 2030 Agenda
Optimizing the use
of technology and
supporting coherence
for the 2030 Agenda
of event beneficiaries
were associated with the Accelerating the 2030 Agenda Pillar activities.

Learning events
*Certificates of completion and participation from learning events with objective assessment of learning requirements.
UNITAR has contributed to better data for SDGs by training more than 100 civil servants, including 9 Chief Statisticians, from 14 Asia-Pacific SIDS. 90 per cent of respondent countries have seen improvements to their national monitoring systems and SDG reporting. Additional 130 persons benefited from statistics for SDGs training in other regions and at global level.
Strengthened statistical capacities of 15 Small Island Developing States, most from Asia-Pacific region, in area of data governance, partnerships and monitoring SDG indicators by training more than 100 senior governance officials, including 10 Chief Statisticians. 9 out of 10 SIDS having participated in the follow-up survey have reported a change in their national review and monitoring of SDGs related to their participation in this training program. 97% of survey respondents confirmed the overall useful of the workshops.
Launched the UNSDG:Learn, a new initiative, developed in partnership with the UN System Staff College and joined by more than 50 UN and non-UN partners, which provides a smart, online gateway to the wealth of learning offerings – courses and microlearning – to its users. The objective of the initiative is to reach millions of learners and enable them to identify learning most suited to their needs. Over the first 6 months of its existence the Platform has provided access to more than 220 products, including 23 gender related, and attracted more than 5’000 users from more than 170 countries.
Strengthened the skills related to stakeholder engagement, policy coherence and monitoring of SDGs of more than 440 government officials through regional and national workshops. Most of the participants were from Small Island Developing States, Least Developed Countries and fragile states. Additional 400 plus benefited from facilitated online learning, learning courses or used learning resources.

Aliimuamua Malaefono Taua
“During the 1st workshop on the StaTact toolkit we proposed for the exercise a data analysis on domestic violence, based on a data collected 20 years ago. Afterwards, what started as an exercise became a real project when some stakeholders joined asking us to collect updated data on the subject and its impact on children. Now we have integrated this project into our demographic health survey and are finishing the data collection.”